Parents are the most effective guard against children becoming involved in pornography. We have met many parents who are clueless about what is out there for their kids to get into.

“Well, my little Johnny wouldn’t be looking at nude pictures on the web!”

“My house is safe because we have filtered Internet.”

“My little angel only chats with friends online and would never talk to a stranger.”

We love our kids and think they are the best. Often when a child gets into inappropriate material we dismiss it as ‘kids being kids’. Well, parents should be parents.

It is our responsibility to monitor and control the content that comes into our homes. We are called to protect our children to the best of our abilities. That beckons for us as parents to actively understand where our kids go and what they do online.

The Reality

The reality is your son or daughter probably know much more about technology than you think. They likely know more about computers and the Internet than you. That is ex­actly why you need to be informed on what is out there. You must become aware of the possibility that your son or daugh­ter could be into something inappropriate.

It’s time for you to get involved in their life. Ask the tough questions. Talk about the dangers. We realize talking about porn is as hard as talking about sex. Get out of your comfort zone. Your children are worth it.

1. Monitor and Filter

Download ”Childprotection’. It’s simple and very cheap. This software mon­itors and filters what is accessed online and sends a report of any ques­tionable websites to email address of your choice. More information

2. Have the talk

It may be a little awkward, but your son or daughter will know that you care. As a parent you must actively engage with your kids by taking a stance against inappropriate material through conversation. Tell your son or daugh­ter the steps you are taking as a parent. Do not leave them in the dark. Let them know there is accountability software and a filter on the computer.

3. Get practical

Proximity is the best accountability-place the family computer in a space in your home that is well trafficked. There is nothing like mom peering over the shoulder at the screen. Do not let your children have a computer in their bedrooms.

4. Monitor social interaction on Internet

View Myspace, Facebook or other social networking pages regularly.

5. Monitor peer-to-peer file sharing

Millions of files are shared online through peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing software, also called torrents. com­monly called “downloading music or movies. common software: limewire, ares, gnutella, bittorrent or soul­seek, and most have zero age verification or filtering options.