The revenues of the porn industry in the U.S are approximately 13 billion; equivalent to the annual revenues of the NFL and NBA combined. 1

30% of all internet traffic is pornography; the world’s largest porn site alone transfers 29 petabytes of porn a month.2

67% of men and 49% of women say porn is acceptable.3

In the UK, porn websites are accessed more than social media or shopping sites.4

One Christian missions agency is reported as saying that 80% of their applicants admit to struggles with porn. They know longer ask “if” but “how often.”5

A survey of 19,000 parents revealed that kids are viewing porn as early as age six.6

A London survey of 800 young people showed that most teenage boys view porn 2-3 times per week, on their phone or bedroom computer. 2/3 of those between 11 and 13 had viewed it.7

One youth minister states that 90% of the kids who come to him for help, all from Christian families, are addicted to porn.8

21% of Christian teenage girls admit to texting a naked photo of themselves.9

50% of pastors regularly view porn.10

56% of divorce cases involve one person with problems with pornography.11



1. link
December 30, 2013
2. The Inquisitr, December 26, 2013
3. Gen-XXX-Teens-Addicted-in-a-World-Awash-in-Porn. News, December 3, 2012.
4. link. The Business Standard, July 27, 2013.
5. link. The Christian Post, March 8, 2012.
6. link. ABC News, May 15, 2013.
7. link. IOL Lifestyle, September 3, 2013.
8. Gen-XXX-Teens-Addicted-in-a-World-Awash-in-Porn. News, December 3, 2012.
9. Gen-XXX-Teens-Addicted-in-a-World-Awash-in-Porn. News, December 3, 2012.
10. as quoted from a survey, March 27, 2012
December 30, 2013